Botox Injections
We are pleased to offer Botox Injections for the relief of lines and wrinkles in the face. FDA-approved neuromodulators act by relaxing the facial muscles that cause lines between the brows, across the forehead, and around the eyes (crow’s feet) due to the repeated movement of the muscles.
This quick 10-minute procedure results in visible smoothing of these lines within 2-7 days and lasts about 3-4 months. You will still be able to show expression and will look like yourself, just a fresher version.
Special Instructions Before Your injections
- To reduce side effects and achieve the best possible results from your injections, please read and follow these instructions.
- Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours prior, this may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising
- Avoid taking Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and blood thinners, if possible, for two weeks prior to injections.
- Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to an important event, bruising is always a possibility.
- Postpone your injection if you have an active cold sore on your face.
- Do not lie down for four hours after receiving Botox and do not exercise for 6 hours afterward. This will allow the product to stay in the intended muscle and not drift elsewhere
- Injectables should NOT be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
We are participants in the Ally program so don’t forget to ask about your points.
We’re Here to Help
At our practice, we have the best Glaucoma surgeons in Greenville, SC, who use a number of treatments from eye medication to surgeries. Contact us today to learn more about Glaucoma consultations